
Housing Development Finance Corporation

Housing Development Finance Corporation (HDFC) was incorporated in 2004, by a Presidential Decree under the Companies Act. (Act No. 10/96). HDFC’s commercial operations commenced on 29th March 2004 with hundred percent shareholding by the Government of Maldives which later in 2008 was privatized with the shareholding from ADB, IFC and HDFC Bank Ltd., (India) [Prev. HDFC Investments Ltd.] holding 51% of the share and the 49% of the shares by the Government of Maldives. HDFC is unique as the only mortgage housing institution in the Maldives. As the demand for housing loans continues to grow, which exceeds the supply, we have structured and issued long-term Bonds and Sukuk in MVR as the way forward.

Board Members

Ms. Zidna Ibrahim


Dr. Mohamed Shafeeq


Ms. Kohe Noor Binte Mahmoodul Hasan


Mr. Ajay Agarwal


Mr. Ahmed Asad Hashim

Independent Director

Mr. Ahmed Zeenad

Managing Director

Mr. Asif Saeed Cheema

Alternate Director

Mr. Mohamed Zuhair

Alternate Director

Board Committees

Audit & Risk Management Committee
5 Members

The Board Audit Committee was established in accordance with the Article of Association 123 and Article II of the Corporate Governance Section (b) of the Shareholders Agreement executed between the Shareholders on 23 July 2008 and the CMDA Corporate Governance Code and MMA CG Regulation for Banks, Insurance Companies and Finance Companies (Mo. 2020/R-59), consisting of non-executive directors from amongst the Board of Directors.

The principal objective of the Board Audit Committee is to assist the Board of Directors in discharging its statutory duties and responsibilities relating to risk management and accounting and reporting practices of the company and oversee the compliance with the relevant rules and regulations governing listed companies.

Members of the committee
Ms. Kohe Noor Binte Mahmoodul Hasan
Mr. Ahmed Asad Hashim
Mr. Ajay Agarwal
Nomination & Remuneration Committee
5 Members

The Board Nomination and Remuneration Committee was established in accordance with the Article of Association 123 and Article II of the Corporate Governance Section (b) of the Shareholders Agreement executed between the Shareholders on 23 July 2008 and the CMDA Corporate Governance Code and MMA CG Regulation for Banks, Insurance Companies and Finance Companies (Mo. 2020/R-59), consisting of non-executive directors from amongst the Board of Directors. The Board have decided to combine Nomination and Remuneration Committee due to the limited number of directors on board and to enable effective and efficient discharge of the duties entrusted to the members.

The principal objective of the Board Nomination and Remuneration Committee is to assist the Board of Directors in discharging its statutory duties and responsibilities relating to the overall Human Resource Management of the company and assess the effectiveness and the contribution of the Board as a whole and each individual Director, the Board Committees and Senior Management of the Company on an ongoing basis while overseeing the compliance with the relevant rules and regulations governing the listed companies and the non-banking financial institutions.

Members of the committee
Ms. Kohe Noor Binte Mahmoodul Hasan
Ms. Zidna Ibrahim
Mr. Ajay Agarwal
Mr. Ahmed Asad Hashim
Board Credit Risk Management Committee
7 Members

The principal objective of the Credit Risk Management Committee is to assist the Board of Directors in discharging its statutory duties and responsibilities relating to risk management and accounting and reporting practices of the holding company and each of its subsidiaries and oversee the compliance with the relevant rules and regulations governing listed companies.

The Committee’s responsibilities shall be determined by the Board from time to time and, in any event, include the responsibility to:Advise the Board in relation to its determination of overall risk appetite, tolerance, and strategy.

  • To approve proposed changes in Lending Prudential guidelines and major credit policies.
  • To approve discretion’s and onward delegation guidelines of the next level of management.
  • To consider and determine proposal exceeding management approval limits.
  • To receive and review reports on credit quality, risk management policies and procedures.
  • To consider and approve general provisioning policies and specific provisions.
  • Review reports on any material breaches of risk limits and the adequacy of proposed action.
  • Review and approve the statements to be included in the annual report concerning risk management.

Members of the committee
Mr. Ajay Agarwal
Mr. Ahmed Asad Hashim
Dr. Mohamed Shafeeq
Ms. Zidna Ibrahim

Shareholding Structure

Name Share %
Government of Maldives 49.00 %
Ibrahim Naeem 0.00 %
Raheema Saleem 0.00 %
Mohamed Shahudy 0.00 %
Mohamed Fathy 0.00 %
Aishath Rasheeda 0.00 %
Ahmed Anwar 0.00 %
Mohamed Hamdhan Fahumy 0.00 %
International Finance Corporation 18.00 %
Asian Development Bank 18.00 %
HDFC Bank Ltd. 15.00 %
Mohamed Ahmed 0.00 %
Aishath Shizna 0.00 %

